10 August 2013

STOP PRESS - We have moved on, oh yes

We have started another blog, archiving things found in our warehouse, it's called Jot101

Worth a detour. We will no longer be posting at Bookride.
All is not lost however -- posts are still pretty bookish! Check these out:

How to become a spy (in 6 easy lessons)

The Crazy Quilt Murders (1938)

I danced with Wittgenstein

Enormous 1920s Rare Book Wants List

John Betjeman on C.R. Ashbee

The Table Talk of T.S. Eliot

James Joyce - The Day of the Rabblement 1901

Second hand bookshops in Paris (1880)

Violet Hunt - Dressing Vorticist

National Front versus Calder & Boyars (1968)

Sylvia Plath, Suicide & the Professor

Widmerpool says go there right away!


  1. If Widmerpool says so I tend to do it. Odo

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