Above are some serious beards - from the top Roy Wood, James A.H. Murray (of the OED, pictured again below in his 'scriptorium') Lytton Strachey, Charles Darwin, John & George, ZZ Top, Viv Stanshall, Michael Moorcock and William Empson (Seven Types of Ambiguity). Beards have been on my mind since reading the obituary of the author Mark Bence-Jones (1930 -2010). As the obituarist notes he was 'an elegant writer on architecture, Roman Catholicism, Ireland and the Raj' and seemed to have been born in the wrong century. The obituary notes that he 'called for a revival of the game Beaver, in which friends competed to shout the word in the street first whenever a hirsute man appeared.' Beards appear to be vaguely trendy at present (led by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Frankie Boyle) and it is time for a revival of the game. According to Robert Graves and Alan Hodges The Long Week End: a Social History of Great Britain, 1918-1939 the game was so popular that beard wearing was seriously affected and many men returned to the razor. I can recall it as a car game suggested by an old uncle on long journeys with extra points for red beards, women with beards or beard and panama hat.
Nowadays you could add extra points for Roy Wood style coloured beards, forked beards etc., But bum fluff beards, boy beards, 'bro patches', goatees or badman stubble do not count and points could be deducted for false identifications. An early poster on the QI website notes a book with instructions and scoring rules:
'In the British Library I read an instruction manual for a game called Beaver. The game involves two players pacing the streets, or staying put in a café/on top of a double decker bus – wherever they fancy – spotting bearded folk. The game is scored like lawn tennis, whenever one contender spots a beard they shout Beaver! 15 / love and so on. A double fault occurs when a competitor thinks he sees a bearded man from behind, but when the two come face to face the competitor finds he is mistaken.The book in
The book is full of pictures of different types of ‘beaver’ such as the ‘half beaver’, the ‘santa beaver’, ‘mandarin beaver’ and the ‘nanny beaver,’ which falls from the middle of the chin and must be 2 inches long. Women sporting beards are Queen beavers, which “should be exclaimed sotto voce, in a whisper. The game may have begun in Oxford, in Malta or a place of unknown origin.'

Why Beaver? It is obviously from the animal and now has sexual resonance as slang for vagina and this may hinder Bence- Jones dying wish for the game's revival. It is time for the word to be reclaimed. In Canada the respected fur trade magazine "The Beaver' has had to change its name - readers complained that Internet spam filters were blocking emails and newsletters because of the word 'beaver'. On the subject of sex there are persons who find beards attractive (especially on the faces of billionaires) and a young woman attracted to bearded men has a website Beard a Day devoted to a 'quest for love and my love of beards.' Beards were last trendy in the era of Prog Rock--check out Head Full of Snow for some of the great 'beardy weirdies' of progressive rock.

As for Mark Bence-Jones his most desirable book is Guide to Irish Country Houses worth about £150. I have a copy somewhere. He also wrote All a Nonsense (1957) a light comedy of upper class life and Paradise Escaped (1958). Both are very hard to find, one was reviewed enthusiastically by John Betjeman. Neither are of big value yet, he also wrote Nothing in the City (1965) which can be picked up for £10.
I'd never heard of the game Beaver. Like the wonderful Roy Wood, I fear it never caught on in Canada.
A small correction: though it began life as an in-house publication of the Hudson's Bay Company The Beaver was not a "respected fur trade magazine", but a respected history magazine. It's current name Canada's History is as accurate as it is bland.
I personally plan a revival stateside post haste, beginning with myself. "Beaver!"
I read somewhere, possibly in T. S. Gowring's pro-beard tract 'The Philosophy of Beards', that cocking a snook at another's beard was a criminal offence in ancient Russia.
If it wasn't it damned well should have been. These things need legislating! Beaver!
To judge from the sheet music in the British Library catalogue, which has several Beaver!-related songs, such as "Beaver - Go & Get Your Whiskers Off" by H. Carlton - the game must have hit a peak around 1922. As a bearded cove myself, I still think it is a rather jolly sport.
Mark V
posts like this are why this is my favorite books blog.
I believe Tatler once ran a piece on a dispute in the world of hunting under the headline "Split Belvoir". Presumably they thought that anyone who knew how to pronounce "Belvoir" would be more amused than offended. Childish, I know, but I found it entertaining.
More on beards:
Don't know if the book actually exists- Upton Uxbridge Underwood sounds too godd to be true- but it ought to.
I guess if you saw the idle bearded master of the Belvoir hounds go by you might urge him to show more effort by shouting Beaver, Beaver, Beaver...
The game of Beaver also plays an important role in Aldous Huxley's Antic Hay where two characters, one with a genuine beard, another with a false one, use it as a gateway to amorous adventures, approaching women who shout beaver.
Such fun!
I love how beards are still seen as quite 'fashionable' after all of these years. Beyond Beards has got information about oils and wax for beards and moustaches.
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