Saint Isaac the Syrian. ASCETICAL HOMILIES OF SAINT ISAAC THE SYRIAN. Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Brookline, MA 1985. ISBN 0913026557
Current Selling Prices
$350-$750 / £200-£400 Want level 25-50 Highish
Sound red 500 page book much in demand and fairly thin on the ground. Much respected 7th century ascetic and holy man from the Qatar region of the Gulf, he spent many years in the desert studying and meditating near Mount Matout, a refuge for anchorites. No fan of ease and idleness which he felt destroyed the soul more effectively than demons, he subsisted on 3 loaves of bread a week and some uncoooked veg. A random homily : 'Dispassion does not mean that a man feels no passions, but that he does not accept any of them.'
VALUE? Asceticism does not come cheap. Issued sans d/w; nice copies seem to command $500 to $850. They may or may not sell at this price, possibly cheaper copies sell aginst these prices. A few eccentrics were holding out for $1000+, one chap at Amazon had 2 copies ($1874 and $1913) This is not uncommon with sought after books for someone to hold 2 or more, the dealer scoops up underpriced copies as they emerge in order to protect his price. A dangerous game, especially when hell has to freeze over before you will sell any of them.

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