More uninformed and subjective notes on how the recession is affecting the trade in rare and used books. It's funny but as a retailer with a shop in the dead centre of London I am now continually asked by concerned friends 'How is it going?' Like someone inquiring of the health of a patient with a long, lingering and potentially fatal illness. I usually reply something on the lines of 'mustn't grumble' 'keeping my head above water' or 'not too bad.' It is not a good idea if it is going well to boast about it (apart from inviting the wrath of the Gods, it tends to annoy) and if it is going badly you don't want to bring people down, or accelerate the process by spreading the news. Considering we are in the middle of the worst financial crisis since the South Sea Bubble it is actually going pretty much as normal, possibly with slightly more poor days than 2007 and 2008. Confidence is generally low, especially among American dealers, and there is talk of a coming serious 'buyer's market' with sellers overwhelmed with 'borassic'* collectors trying to raise money. If I see hoards of impecunious book collectors advancing on Charing Cross I will let you know. The last time it happened was when the shop on the corner took a large 'books bought' ad out in the Daily Telegraph - but that's another story...
Even the internet is still just about holding up. My theory is that its use for retail is still growing fast and that is making up for slower sales -two and a half paces forward two and a quarter paces back.
Some notes.
1. Reports are coming through that 2009 book auction results are 30% down on the first two months of 2008. A difficult one to call as it depends on the quality of goods offered and it is likely that owners are holding back from consigning really good books. If I hear of further drops I shall start going more frequently, but lately I have found the process of viewing, bidding and clearing tiresome.
2. A high end American dealer reports (in an interview) that

3. I read an article about how to survive the recession (Harvard Business Journal). It used the Muhammad Ali - Foreman fight 'The Rumble in the Jungle' as an analogy. Ali apparently won by being able to absorb more punishment than his opponent and by being more agile. The Harvard bloke said these are the 2 qualities needed right now for financial survival - absorption and agility. Sounds fair enough. I have written the two words on a card and stuck it on the mirror so I see them every morning. Got to remember that absorption does not mean being able to absorb a ton of bad books. These are best avoided with some clever foot work. Basically you have to box clever...
4. I was in a shop the other day in a town which I shall call Seatown, a name out of 'Mass Observation.' The shop, not large, had plenty of punters and in the half hour I was there the guy took about a £100 and I then spent £65 which he rounded down to £50. The prices were very modest but the stock was very good and well chosen and there was what appeared to be plenty more of it coming out. The secret is

5. There are no green shoots visible but people are now getting used to the recession. In the initial shock people zipped their wallets tight, went home and avoided non essential shops. That may be over, unless like an earthquake, there are further shocks...
*borassic = financially embarrassed, broke --rhyming slang where borassic lint = 'skint' = broke.
It would be interesting to see what kinds of books have become more sought after or have risen in value as a result of the economic downturn. There is talk of 'recession chic' literature. I understand Adam Fergusson's 'When Money Dies' is in demand in Westminster circles.
I think you must be lucky or very shrewd to be doing ok,im still in dire straits myself.Another problem is people actually expect me to pay higher prices than before,because they "need the money" or declare they rather keep 'em for the grandkids pension - pity that's what everyone's doing & thus the books will be worthless.
We have also noticed demand for armageddon,end of the world type books( often just for the cover),stock market history,
home brewing.etc.
Have you thought about doing a feature on book price guide books,one dealer once said he had one which cost him £400.00,but it had every book in it ? like the Car dealer GLASS ? guide.
Do you have punters trape in with a Miller's and ask if you have the Rupert with the brown head ?
As long as its cheap.
Thanks above comment. Can't imagine what the £400 guide could be--to have every book in it it would have to be in hundreds of volumes! I use the net and often carry Russell's 'First Edition Prices' 2008/2009 (Much recommended.)
I find people never quite know which Rupert should have a brown head -its only the 1973. We have noticed that economics has become a hot subject...
The entertaining thing about Russell's 'First Edition Prices' is that the more people use the internet, the more they use Miller as a basis for pricing and the more accurate it becomes- an interesting example of feedback.
Does Russell take bribes,though? I'd be willing to pay well if they classified the books I want as absolute dogs and the books I'm getting rid of as beyond the price of rubies.
Thank you for adding "borassic" to my meager vocabulary.
I love those images, thanks for posting them. And the wise words of Mohamed Ali.
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