George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith. THE DIARY OF A NOBODY. J.W. Arrowsmith, Bristol, and Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co. Limited, London. 1892.
Current Selling Prices
$300-$600 /£200-£400
An English comic novel written by George Grossmith and his brother Weedon Grossmith with illustrations by Weedon, it first appeared in the magazine Punch in 1888 – 89, and came out in book form in 1892. The diary is that of Mr. Charles Pooter, a city clerk of lower middle-class status but significant social aspirations, living in Upper Holloway. Other characters include his wife Carrie (Caroline), his raffish and slangy son Lupin, his friends Mr Cummings and Mr Gowing (jokes about coming and going), and Lupin's unsuitable fiancĂ©e, Daisy Mutlar. The humour derives from Pooter's unconscious gaffes, his suburban social pretensions and self-importance, also the many snubs he receives from those he considers socially inferior, such as tradesmen. Pathos (and bathos) is mixed in with the humour--e.g. when Pooter attends the Mansion House Ball (the highest point of his social ambitions) he is distressed to find his name omitted from a long list of guests published in the "society" column of the Blackfriars Bi-weekly News. A letter of complaint results in him and his wife being listed as Mr. and Mrs. Potter, which further enrages him, leading to a correction in the paper which then lists him as Mr. Pewter.
The supreme English comic classic, still near the top of ubiquitous 'best ever book' polls. As Lord Rosebery said "I regard any bedroom I occupy as unfurnished without a copy." It ranks with right up there with Jerome's K. Jerome's Three Men In A Boat, Waugh's Scoop, 'England their England' 'At Swim Two Birds' and the novels of Wodehouse. Jon Wilde wrote in 'The Guardian' about the 2007 documentary 'The Real Mr Pooter'- there may be novels that are more widely loved than Diary Of A Nobody, but surely none more deeply loved… A fair few acquaintances of mine unashamedly admit that they cannot seriously consider a friendship with anyone who does not find the novel uproariously funny.' He goes on to mention other Pooterish characters--Adrian Mole, Bridget Jones,

VALUE? Not especially high but more that 'Three Men in a Boat' which was also published by Arrowsmith three years earlier (you want the address as 'Quay Street' not '11 Quay Street'). Very decent copies should not cost more than £300, Adrian Harrington currently has a decent copy with a signed photo of Weedon Grossmith for £475. It might be more if it was George Grossmith (left) - famous in his day for performing his own comic piano sketches and songs and creating a series of memorable characters in the comic operas of Gilbert and Sullivan; it is said he was the most popular British solo performer of the 1890s. Julie Burchill nominating 'Diary' as her favourite book notes that he also found the time to dally with morphine, possibly as a way of dealing with stage-fright.
Browsing this masterpiece the other day it occurred to me that blogs, with a few exceptions, are basically 'diaries of nobodies' and the struggle of man with his insignificance as the Grossmith freres discovered is both a comic and a tragic matter. John Fowles in 'The Aristos' talks of this struggle (with what he calls 'the nemo') as the supreme source of anguish and suggests the ways of challenging the 'nemo' used by modern man--'I build up a unique persona, I defy the mass. I am the bohemian, the dandy, the outsider, the hippy...' Portentously he adds '...Oswald killed President Kennedy in order to kill his real enemy: his nemo.' I guess if he was still around he would say that people who go on reality TV shows are confronting their nemos… Will deal with this strange work 'The Aristos' (Cape 1964) at some point--its value as a first is not insignificant.
Does anyone know anything about Weedon Grossmith's novel, The Woman With a History? I've been looking for it for years.
I don't think "The big point that JW makes is that if you don't find it funny 'it almost certainly means that you're self-deluded and humourless enough to be considered Pooterish.'" is quite right. Two people I knew- one a raving Marxist, one a very distinguished translator- thought it tragic. According to George Orwell, the Diary had been popular in prerevolutionary Russia. He thought in translation it probably read like Chekhov, so perhaps they both ha unEnglish perspectives on it.
I strongly object to you designating blogs as 'Diaries of Nobodies'. My own blog on literature and the arts in North London is read by several hundred people every day and has been noted in the 'Holloway Gazette' and by 'Grumpy Old Bookman.' You may be a nobody but I beg leave to exempt myself from this insult. I am yours most sincerely Charles Pugh - Terr
Ach we'll start worrying when you paint your bath red Nigel.
I couldn't make head nor tail of the Aristos, which I discovered at the same time as the Kingsley Amis poem on Verne's Captain Nemo - the poem became an immediate favourite but the Fowles book thankfully has faded from memory.
'He thought in translation it probably read like Chekhov, so perhaps they both ha unEnglish perspectives on it.'
That never occurred to me Thersites - and of course it's often pointed out that Americans and Brits tend to see the tragic rather than the comic in Chekhov.
I wonder if Lupin & his wife ended up in some outback Aussie town, gazing wistfully at the desert and remembering mum and dad while the dingos howl.
However Lupin ended up, I'm sure Charles and Carrie's boy has no resemblance to the Lupin Pooter who used to appear as 'Victorian Dad' in Viz!
I do have a fantastic penguin edition of "The Diary of a Nobody" with spectacular artwork on the from cover; which I am selling for just £10 plus £2.99 p.p. It was published in 1975.
Those who wish to puchase it should write to me at:
I have an autographed 1st edition 1892 copy of A diary of a nobody. It also includes 2 handwritten letters 1 from George, 1 from Weedon. One letter is written on hotel stationary from Washington D.C. dated 1886. I had these items appraised over 10 yrs ago and wish to sell them at this time. If anyone may be interested please contact me..Thank you Melanie Schaeffer
Melanie - please email me - the CEO of this blog, about this interesting first edition.
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